Saturday, February 14, 2009

Listening is the key to selling

In today’s business world, unless you go into the sales arena with a strategy in mind, you will fail more times than you win with prospective clients, as they are busy with their own businesses.

When selling in these times, you must learn to ask the proper questions in order to gain the appropriate information that then leads to increased knowledge.

Knowledge is power, and as you listen to your client’s answers, you will discover a tremendous amount of information that will be pivotal in the sales process.

Once you fully understand the client’s situation, you will be able to make effective presentations which will enhance your personal credibility.

This will give you the confidence to express your own ideas clearly, specific to the situation, and visually when necessary. All of these factors will significantly increase the probability of making the sale.
Give us a call or send an email for a complimentary coaching session at which time we will assess your needs.
Donald Robichaud
FloodLight Consulting

1 comment:

  1. this is not always true because ongoing companies create business plans, project plans, new product plans, and plans for acquiring and integrating other ventures. General Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, “Plans are nothing. Planning is everything.”
